Thursday, December 9, 2010

Knowledge as a Liability!

Bliss was it when I was a 404 man. Could easily dodge the mouse. But since turning literate, it's been difficult to ignore without intervening in the intellectually-bankrupts'assays. Earlier the ignorance was blissful as I was a Persona-non-Grata in the elite laptop flaunting circle. But one can't feign ignorance and tolerate idiotic work for long. one has to stand up and be counted. Knowledge here becomes a liability-not power. The more you see crap around you, the more you get involved in areas that could hitherto be avoided. Tolerance is indeed a virtue! For without this trait you are forced to squeeze time out to enlighten people on a plethora of issues, besides working yourself in the grave yard shift.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Remember Sports Minister, M.S Gill's reaction to the media reaction to Delhi's unpreparedness prior to CWG, 2010? He said, everything would be fine in time like a Punjabi Wedding! And, abracadabra! everything was indeed fine at the eleventh hour. The media led by our own Arnab made a volte face. They started praising the 'show'.
Another Punjabi Wedding is on the cards. The last couple of days we have been witness to painters on roof top trying to spruce up the College just prior to the NAAC Peer team's visit. In fact, we are all behaving like cats on a hot tin roof. The bride's to arrive on the 14th. We have been sitting on our laurels for the last five years, and now the groom's close. The bride's to be decked up. A winter wedding is on the offing.
Forget the seven criteria, this last minute doing-up will do the trick. Perhaps, this is how things click in our country! The inspectors are coming. We need to train our pupils in spelling, perhaps of words like 'KETTLE' ( remember, M.K Gandhi at school)